Volume 16 (2024)
Volume 15 (2023)
Volume 14 (2022)
Volume 12 (2020)
Volume 11 (2019)
Volume 10 (2018-2019)
Volume 9 (2017)
Volume 8 (2016)
Volume 7 (2015)
Volume 6 (2014)
Volume 5 (2013)
Volume 4 (2013)
Volume 3 (2012)
Volume 2 (2010)
Volume 1 (2010)
Intervention and Control of Peoples’ Privacy and Its Connection with the Judiciary, Jurisprudence, and Criminal Policy

Saeed Ekradi; Reza Nikkhah Saenaghi; Siamak Jafarzadeh

Volume 13, Issue 25 , November 2021, Pages 11-36


  Privacy is directly associated with the individuals’ rights and freedoms and considered as an example of human rights in Islam. The necessity to recognize the privacy concepts and examples inevitably propels us to peruse the law and investigate how the judge intervenes in it in the judiciary. The ...  Read More

The evidentiary value of respondent's witnesses in civil and criminal cases

Ruhollah Akrami; Azizollah Fahimi

Volume 13, Issue 25 , November 2021, Pages 37-72


  In Imami jurisprudence, the requirement of the rule of "testimony and oath" is that the obligation to present evidence is on the plaintiff and the respondent can provide the ground for issuing a ruling in his favor by swearing. This rule, along with some narrations, has caused the majority of jurists ...  Read More

Jurisprudential standards and judicial interpretation of criminal law; Criticism of the opinion of the General Assembly of the Supreme Court in aggravating the ta'ziri whipping

Jalil Omidi; Morteza javanmardi Sahib

Volume 13, Issue 25 , November 2021, Pages 73-98


  The jurisprudential standards have absolutely prohibited the punishment of ta'zir whipping more than the prescribed for Hodud, both in the legislative stage and in the judiciary. Such rules are typically regarded in post-revolutionary criminal law and the judicial precedent. However, the General Assembly ...  Read More

Independence of the judicial structure as an essential tool in achieving judicial security in the Islamic judicial model

Ehsan Ahangari; Masoud Jahandoost Dalenjan

Volume 13, Issue 25 , November 2021, Pages 99-128


  Judicial security can be understood as the existence of a judicial organization that guarantees a fair trial for the general public so that people do not have to worry about their rights being violated in court. The realization of this concept depends on the existence of many elements within the judicial ...  Read More

Jurisprudential study of electronic proceedings and its pathology

Mohammad Bahrami Khoshkar; Abbas Asgari

Volume 13, Issue 25 , November 2021, Pages 129-152


  Review:Today, due to the rapid growth of technology and the benefits of using it, most advanced societies have resorted to the use of e-litigation in their judiciary; our country is no exception, especially after the outbreak of coronavirus to maintain health and other rights of the people The litigation ...  Read More

The effects of separating legal matters from thematic matters in Islamic proceedings

Aliakbar Jafari Nadoushan; Morteza Samadi; Ali Mokhtari

Volume 13, Issue 25 , November 2021, Pages 153-176


  In Islamic proceedings, more than any other measure, a distinction between judicial and thematic matters can help to facilitate a fair trial. Subjective matters are in the position of expressing an incident and incident, and in contrast, judicial matters consisting of law, legal rule, sources and valid ...  Read More

Application or Non-Application of Dar´ Rule to Retaliation: A Focus on Islamic Penal Code 2013

Ahmad Hajidehabadi

Volume 13, Issue 25 , November 2021, Pages 177-212


  Although the reflection of Dar´ rule in the Book One (Generalities) of Islamic Penal Code 2013 under the articles 120 and 121 indicates that the rule also applies to retaliation (qisas), apparently many articles of the Book Four (retaliation) of Islamic Penal Code 2013 evoke the meaning that Dar´ ...  Read More

Variation the documenting court rulings in the assumption of legal vacuum in Iranian law

Aliabas Hayati

Volume 13, Issue 25 , November 2021, Pages 213-238


  No legislature can claim that the solution of all legal cases is provided for in the text of the law, and in no case does the judge face a legal vacuum for resolving disputes. Because various reasons, such as the novelty of the subject matter of the lawsuit, the legislator's delay in enacting the required ...  Read More

Equality of arms from the perspective of figh and laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Ali Khorramian; Reza Daneshvarsani

Volume 13, Issue 25 , November 2021, Pages 239-266


  Principle of equality of arms Recognizing and applying of Principle of equality of arms is one of the requirements of fair trial. Undoubtedly, execution of justice in procedure need to have enough اثباتی وسائل for Parties to disputes. Principle of equality of arms means that plaintiff and ...  Read More

The oversight body, the improved outcome of the jury in the structure of the Islamic judiciary

Seyed Hassan Davoodalmousavi; Seyed Mohammad Hasan Tahaie

Volume 13, Issue 25 , November 2021, Pages 267-288


  A jury is an institution recognized in some of the world's legal systems for judging litigation, clarifying the truth, or determining punishment based on collective wisdom that is closer to justice and rationality. According to the claim of the British legal system, this institution was one of the innovations ...  Read More

Jurisprudential Kurdology The precedence of official documents over the ordinary in the system of Islamic jurisprudence (Proposal to amend the document registration law)

Mahdi Sajedi; Navid Emsaki

Volume 13, Issue 25 , November 2021, Pages 289-312


  Following the words of the Imami jurists indicates that they did not consider the written documents valid except in the case of a will. At present, however, most of the UAE is in the public domain in the form of ordinary, official written documents. On the one hand, there is no ordinary and official ...  Read More

Pathology of witness testimony conditions with a conflict of interest management approach in Islamic jurisprudence

Saeed Siahbidi Kermanshahi

Volume 13, Issue 25 , November 2021, Pages 313-338


  Conflict of interest is a situation in which a person who is responsible for protecting the interests of others (primary benefit) is able to make decisions that the consequences of these decisions affect others; But because of personal interests, there is a fear that the decision maker will put his personal ...  Read More

Objectives of the criminal justice system, Islamic perspective

Gholam Hassan Kooshki

Volume 13, Issue 25 , November 2021, Pages 339-358


  Abstract: In any legal system, the criminal justice system has clear goals. In the Iranian legal system, due to the influence of this system from religious teachings and attention to indigenous needs and delinquent conditions in society, it has goals such as providing justice, realizing the rule of law, ...  Read More

Unstructured departure of the system of criminal demonstrative evidence to the valley of truth discovery with emphasis on Qasameh

Adel Alipour; Hossein Goldouzian

Volume 13, Issue 25 , November 2021, Pages 359-390


  Every criminal justice system, including the jurisprudential criminal system with direct impact on Iran's criminal law, seeks to identify, use and organize the most effective and fair" legitimate" tools to discover the truth in order to provide the possibility of achieving justice and issuing just verdicts ...  Read More

Investigating the strategies for achieving repentance and its effect on justice

Shaghayegh Amerian; Mohammad Reza Kaykha

Volume 13, Issue 25 , November 2021, Pages 391-414


  AbstractRepentance has worldly effects along with otherworldly effects. What has been studied in legal jurisprudential sources as the effect of repentance is exemption from punishment. But can a mere claim of repentance save the offender from punishment? And does repentance, which saves a person from ...  Read More

Criteria for selecting swearers in the chapter in Qsamah of Intentional murder according to Imami jurisprudence

Hasan Ghowth; Hosein Naseri Moghaddam

Volume 13, Issue 25 , November 2021, Pages 415-442


  More than 35 articles in the Islamic Penal Code are related to the subject of oath. One of the controversial issues regarding oaths is those who have to swear; In the first place, the oath is specific to the relatives of the victim and in some cases, it is rejected by the person suspected of murder. ...  Read More

Validation of legal and judicial presumption in criminal proceedings

Zahra sadat Managheb; Seyyed Mostafa Managheb

Volume 13, Issue 25 , November 2021, Pages 443-472


  Proving a criminal case has always faced difficulties and one of the methods to prove a crime is to use the presumptions. Legal presumption and judicial presumption are two types of presumptions in Iranian law. The presumptions has rule of life in criminal law and is limited to those cases that the legislature ...  Read More

Islamic legal restudy of the validity of Islam in the judge in judging Christian and Jewish cases

Seyed Rasul Mousavi; Hakimih Safari

Volume 13, Issue 25 , November 2021, Pages 473-496


  Islamic legal restudy of the validity of Islam in the judge in judging Christian and Jewish cases.Judgment has a special and important role in the realization of social order, law enforcement, and divine commandments. Social justice also requires access to social opportunities for all members of society. ...  Read More

Feasibility study of citing illegal evidence to prove a crime in Iranian jurisprudence and law

vahid nekoonam

Volume 13, Issue 25 , November 2021, Pages 497-524


  Evidence of guilt is a fundamental issue in different legal systems, and it varies depending on whether the approach to proving a claim is a system of legal evidence or convincing a judge's conscience, but in both systems the basic issue is the legitimacy of reason; That is, the mere fact that it is ...  Read More