Document Type : Original Article


1 Sistan & Balochestan University

2 Sistan & Baluehestan of University


Repentance has worldly effects along with otherworldly effects. What has been studied in legal jurisprudential sources as the effect of repentance is exemption from punishment. But can a mere claim of repentance save the offender from punishment? And does repentance, which saves a person from punishment, lead to the return of justice to qualify as a judge or witness, etc.? This descriptive-analytical study shows that since true repentance requires becoming in the essence of the person, then the return of personal justice can be concluded as a desirable effect in whatever justice is a necessary condition. This manifestation of the attribute of immorality to justice is proved by following the rulings from real interests and corruptions, following the ruling from the subject, the rule of repelling possible harm, the rule of good and rational ugliness, and turning evil into good. Of course, the return of justice and the acceptance of the arguments of becoming are conditional on the attainment of true repentance by the claimant of repentance. This means that not every claim of repentance can be considered subject to these worldly effects. Rather, one's repentance must be attained by the competent authorities. Therefore, providing solutions for repentance for each of the crimes committed in Venice in general is one of the features of this article.
Keywords: repentance, becoming, justice, limit, crime, repentance strategy


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