Commitment Form (download here)
Conflict of Interest Form (download here)

All submissions are considered by the Manager in the first instance. Suitable papers are peer-reviewed by a minimum of two reviewers. reviewers are selected for their knowledge and expertise are assessed on the Latest theories of Islamic law and jurisprudence .Authors are strongly advised to read the instructions below before submitting a manuscript. Submitted manuscripts that do not adhere to standards may be returned to the author(s).

 Guide to setting up and submitting an article

  • Suitable papers will in the Review process that has not been previously published and has not been submitted to other journals at the same time.
  • It is mandatory to insert the full author's specification and designate the corresponding author.
  • The translated article is unacceptable.
  • The article should include the title (short and descriptive), Persian and English abstract (between 150 and 250 words) and Persian and English keywords (3 to 7 words). The maximum number of words in the article should not be more than 7500 to 8000 words.

  • According to Samim Noor software, articles that are similar by 30% or more will not be included in the evaluation and peer review process.


Guideline for setting the size and font of articles




B Zar

Bold 15


B Zar


ا Authers’ names

B Zar


Abstract and key words

B Zar

Bold 14

First-level headings

B Zar


Second-level headings

B Zar


Text and In-text references

B Zar



B Zar



Guide to setting distances


Paper size



Maximum Paper Length


1 (single)

Line spacing


Top margin


bottom margin


right margin


left margin


  • The final acceptance is subject to the approval of the editorial board.
  • It is the responsibility of the author(s) to ensure the accuracy of the Contents in all respects.
  • Do not submit an article by a student or a bachelor's or master's student alone without the participation of a professor.
  • The citation method in the article should be "in-text"  and APA.
  • The list of references at the end of the article should be in alphabetical order by the author's surname without separation of Arabic sources from Persian.
  • The journal has no obligation to submit reviewers' comments for rejected articles.
  • Latin references should be inserted after Persian and Arabic sources in English alphabet.
  • The views expressed in the articles do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The Journal of Studies in Islamic Law & Jurisprudence.
  • Track the status of your article only through the journal system.
  • Authors should refrain from submitting multiple articles to The Journal of Studies in Islamic Law & Jurisprudence at the same time. 
  • The journal office will not include any other articles or articles in its workflow until the status of the first article of each author is finalized.
  • For the processing of articles for which a certificate of acceptance is issued after the refereeing process and the approval of the editorial board, based on Resolution No. 40879 dated 2022- 05 -14 of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, an amount of 5,000,000 Rials will be received (by clicking on the code Article on your personal page, enter the electronic payment portal).
  • Complete the Conflict of Interest, and Commitment Form is through the link on the top of the page and upload it during the article submission process.