Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Islamic jurisprudence and law of Semnan University

2 MA student at University of Judicial Sciences and Administrative Services


Islamic legal restudy of the validity of Islam in the judge in judging Christian and Jewish cases.
Judgment has a special and important role in the realization of social order, law enforcement, and divine commandments. Social justice also requires access to social opportunities for all members of society. According to Islamic jurisprudence, Christians and Jews can practice their jurisprudence in some cases that do not harm public order. Article 13 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran states the same thing. The reasons why a judge is required to be a Muslim are related to cases where the parties or at least one of them is a Muslim. This study, by examining and criticizing these reasons and quoting verses and hadiths, considers the judgment of a Jewish and Christian judge in the judicial system of the Islamic government as permissible. Their judgment applies to cases where both parties are Christian or Jewish.


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