Document Type : Original Article


Tehran University-farabi


Although the reflection of Dar´ rule in the Book One (Generalities) of Islamic Penal Code 2013 under the articles 120 and 121 indicates that the rule also applies to retaliation (qisas), apparently many articles of the Book Four (retaliation) of Islamic Penal Code 2013 evoke the meaning that Dar´ rule is not applicable to retaliation. Three possibilities are imaginable when the articles 120, 121, and the afore-mentioned articles get together: the application of Dar´ rule to retaliation except the afore-mentioned articles; the application of Dar´ rule to retaliation in general and the domination of the articles 120 and 121 over afore-mentioned articles; non-application of Dar´ rule to retaliation in general. Reviewing three possibilities and presupposing that first, Dar´ rule has exclusive function only in the case that the evidences and the positive principles are punishments, and second, it is only meaningful when the judge casts doubt on instances, the article supports the application of Dar´ rule to retaliation and generally to the human rights whether they are hudud (crimes fixed and severe punishments in Islamic sources), qisas (retaliation), diyat (monetary compensation for deaths and bodily injuries), and ta´zirat (discretionary punishments estimated by a judge).


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