The Journal of Studies in Islamic Law & Jurisprudence peer review policy is based upon a Double-Blind peer-reviewing system.

  • Preliminary registration and membership in the journal system by the author
  • Submitting the article according to the instructions of the authors' guide
  • Receipt and preliminary assessment by the specialized editor
  • Similarity check of the article
  • Sending the article to the editorial board for content review (decision to reject or send to reviewing)
  • Sending the article to two expert reviewers by the editor in chief and in case of disagreement between the results of the reviewing, sending it to the third reviewer
  • Send the reviewers' comments to the author for revision
  • Evaluation and final decision of reviewed articles by editorial board
  • Referral of articles in press to the editor
  • Scientific and technical editing by the journal editor
  • Approval of the final version before Publishing by the author
  • Publication of electronic version and then paper version