Document Type : Original Article


1 Imam Sadegh (AS) University

2 Phd Student of Tehran University


Judicial security can be understood as the existence of a judicial organization that guarantees a fair trial for the general public so that people do not have to worry about their rights being violated in court. The realization of this concept depends on the existence of many elements within the judicial organization, the most important of which is judicial independence. Judicial independence must also be achieved in two areas; The first is the independence of the judiciary and the second is the independence of the judge. The present article examines for the first time the relationship between the realization of judicial security and the structural and administrative independence of the judiciary from the perspective of Islamic law. This study shows that the independence of the judiciary as one of the basic indicators of judicial security, although due to the absence of the issue in the age of the Innocents has not been explicitly the subject of Islamic law, but the goals of Islamic law in our time are appropriate to achieve independence. It is the judiciary.


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