• Air Transportation A study on legal nature of codeshare agreements in air transportation [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 59-90]


  • Conditions of confession Territory of Authenticity of Confession in Iranian Islamic Penal Code [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 131-146]

  • Confession Reviewing the nature and effects of confessions conflict [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 63-80]

  • Confession Territory of Authenticity of Confession in Iranian Islamic Penal Code [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 131-146]

  • Conflict Reviewing the nature and effects of confessions conflict [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 63-80]


  • Damage Wastage of Driving Accidents and Compensation of its damages [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 35-58]

  • Dastdarami Nature and effects of dastarmi [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 215-246]

  • Discretionary Reviewing the nature and effects of confessions conflict [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 63-80]

  • Driving Accident Wastage of Driving Accidents and Compensation of its damages [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 35-58]


  • E-commerce Legal study of the status and importance of the council's judgment judicial justice [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 275-300]

  • Effects of confession Territory of Authenticity of Confession in Iranian Islamic Penal Code [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 131-146]


  • Felony Interaction of causes of blood money [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 195-214]


  • Hadd A New Approach to the Nature of Murder in the Marriage Bed in Jurisprudence and Penal Law [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 175-200]

  • HAQIQIYEH statement The fiqhi investigation of homicide and murder in cyberspace [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 7-34]


  • Immaterial Rights Classification of ownership, right and commandment in jurisprudence system and using of its effects in legal system [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 247-274]

  • Inheritance A Study of the intention effect of devisor On rules governing inheritance [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 147-172]

  • Insurance Wastage of Driving Accidents and Compensation of its damages [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 35-58]

  • Interaction Interaction of causes of blood money [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 195-214]

  • Islamic law Doctrine confronting with 'rebellion' in Islamic Law and its reflection in the Iranian Penal Code 1370 & 1392 [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 9-36]


  • Karafe Nature and effects of dastarmi [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 215-246]

  • KHAREJI statement The fiqhi investigation of homicide and murder in cyberspace [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 7-34]


  • Legal right (Haq) The nature of Revocation and it's distinction from similar concepts [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 147-174]

  • Legal ruling (Hokm) The nature of Revocation and it's distinction from similar concepts [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 147-174]


  • Mistake of Law Conditions Applying to “dare” Rule in Emamiye Jurisprudence and Islamic Penal Code [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 113-146]

  • Monarchy Classification of ownership, right and commandment in jurisprudence system and using of its effects in legal system [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 247-274]



  • Property Right Classification of ownership, right and commandment in jurisprudence system and using of its effects in legal system [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 247-274]


  • Rebellion Doctrine confronting with 'rebellion' in Islamic Law and its reflection in the Iranian Penal Code 1370 & 1392 [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 9-36]

  • Retribution Reviewing the nature and effects of confessions conflict [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 63-80]

  • Right Classification of ownership, right and commandment in jurisprudence system and using of its effects in legal system [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 247-274]

  • Right to option The nature of Revocation and it's distinction from similar concepts [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 147-174]

  • Right to rescind The nature of Revocation and it's distinction from similar concepts [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 147-174]


  • Semantic Historical misunderstanding the issue of singing (according to the theory of Sheikh Ansari) [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 81-108]

  • Sheikh Ansari Historical misunderstanding the issue of singing (according to the theory of Sheikh Ansari) [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 81-108]

  • Status A Study about surpassing criterions in the jurisprudence [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 37-62]


  • Tenancy Right Nature and effects of dastarmi [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 215-246]

  • Trust The nature of the knowledge of the judge [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2016, Pages 91-112]


  • Wisdom Genealogy of Custom in Jurisprudence and National Law [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 201-224]


  • Zoo Trampling Animal Rights in the Zoo [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2016, Pages 301-318]