
In This Article, The Classification of Property, Right and Commandment in The Imami Jurisprudence has been Reload. The Purpose of This Study was The Determine of The Exact Criteria for Recognition of Right and Commandment and Using of This Division in The Legal System and also, The possibility of Sale of Rights and Theirs Situating in Situation of Price by Revision of The Classification of The Property and Right. By Studying of The Juridical Opinions, it was Concluded That, Unlike The Commandment, The Right is Covering The Monarchy and Therefore, The Owner of Right can Abort or Transfer it. By Referring to Traditions, Determining of The Nature of The Matter and Its Purpose and Finally, Reversion to The Practical Principles, Can Recognize The Right from The Commandment. The Most Important Benefit at Acceptance of Separation of Commandment and Right is That Commandment Theory can be Replace instead of Western Public order Theory. In Contrary, The Separation of Right and Property is not Seems Accurate, Because The Property is also One of The Rights That was Interpreted as Property Law and Enable The Owner to Execute All Possessions. Therefore, Instead of Separating the Right and Property, It must be Consider The Right as Basis of Classification and Divide it to Property Right and Other Rights or According to current Law That Seems More Complete, to Objective and Subjective Right. The Important Result of This Analysis is That in The Sale Contract too, The Property Right of Sale is Transmitted to The Seller. Therefore, Other Rights Can be as Sale and Price too.
