Volume 16 (2024)
Volume 15 (2023)
Volume 14 (2022)
Volume 13 (2021)
Volume 12 (2020)
Volume 11 (2019)
Volume 10 (2018-2019)
Volume 9 (2017)
Volume 8 (2016)
Volume 7 (2015)
Volume 6 (2014)
Volume 5 (2013)
Volume 3 (2012)
Volume 2 (2010)
Volume 1 (2010)
The Characteristics of the Asset in the sleeping partnership

F. Asghari Aghmashhadi; M. Abbasi Golmaei

Volume 4, Issue 7 , April 2013, Pages 7-28


  Abstract According to article 546 of Civil law, a sleeping partnership is a kind of contract in which one of the contracting parties gives over the asset which the other party employs in commerce therefore the two parties share the outcome profit. The main elements of the sleeping partnership are asset, ...  Read More

The judge’s role in incompetent’s incapability

B. Hajiazizi; Gh. Niazi; R. Hassankhani

Volume 4, Issue 7 , April 2013, Pages 29-42


  Abstract The incompetent, also called immature, is someone whose occupying in his own possessions is not rational, whether he has not accomplished maturity after adolescence or has faced prodigality after maturity and adolescence. The incompetent is among the interdicted people, but the question is ...  Read More

Civil Obligation Due to Revoking Offer and Preliminary Agreement

]. GalinMoghaddam; S. Yamrali

Volume 4, Issue 7 , April 2013, Pages 43-62


  Abstract In Iran civil law and other statutes, there are no clear texts about pre-contract liability. In the case of requirement in jurisprudence, common rights and international goods’ convention (Vienna 1980), it is stated that, revoking offer does not cause any obligation, unless the preservation ...  Read More

Considering Principle in the Islamic Legal System

A. Momeni; Hamid Masjedsaraie

Volume 4, Issue 7 , April 2013, Pages 63-84


  Abstract In the Islamic legal system, denying a commandment or a legal capacity and also some of the legal commandments conform to principles, and principles are indeed the basis of many decrees. Although the application of the principles is as spread as the jurisprudence, and they are used in all of ...  Read More

Nature and Probative Value of Implied Confession in Civil Cases

M. moloudi; M. hamze howeyda

Volume 4, Issue 7 , April 2013, Pages 85-100


  Abstract With respect to the probative method, implied confession is different from explicit confession. To prove explicit confession, direct method is applied, and the intendment of the confession is exactly the one conforming with the confessor’s statement, while an indirect method is applied ...  Read More

Reevaluating the Evidences of the Invalidity of the Testament on other’s Property (With a Criticizing Perception to the Article 841 of the Civil Law)

A. Naghibi; B. Khosravinia

Volume 4, Issue 7 , April 2013, Pages 101-116


  Abstract One of the conditions of testament is the testator’s possession on the property he is going to will. This condition has been specified in both judicial references and the civil law. The substantial point is that what are the consequences of the absence of this condition and whether ...  Read More