Document Type : Original Article


Tehran University


The analysis of the standpoints about the criteria of rational approbation and disapprobation gives two major criteria which are "general prudence or depravity" and "justice or oppression". Furthermore, the conducts of the wise are formed based on rational approbation and disapprobation. Considering the two major standpoints about the criterion of approbation and disapprobation, the question at hand is: what is the impact of each criterion on the formation of the conducts of the wise? Have Osuli scholars noticed the impressibility of the formation of the conducts of the wise from both of the criteria? Is there any sample of the conducts of the wise impressible from each of the criteria? Research in the sayings of Osuli scholars shows that they have paid attention to the role of rational approbation and disapprobation in the formation of the conducts of the wise and because of this attention, the theory of "the impossibility of the rejection of the conducts of the wise" is proposed. Nevertheless, most of Osuli scholars' attention is directed towards the role of the general prudence or depravity in the formation of the conducts of the wise. But there are many examples of the conducts of the wise that are impressible from rational approbation and disapprobation that is based on justice and oppression. Some of the rules of the penal codes and international human rights customs fall into this category.


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