Volume 16 (2024)
Volume 15 (2023)
Volume 14 (2022)
Volume 13 (2021)
Volume 12 (2020)
Volume 11 (2019)
Volume 10 (2018-2019)
Volume 9 (2017)
Volume 7 (2015)
Volume 6 (2014)
Volume 5 (2013)
Volume 4 (2013)
Volume 3 (2012)
Volume 2 (2010)
Volume 1 (2010)
The fiqhi investigation of homicide and murder in cyberspace
Volume 8, Issue 14 , June 2016, Pages 7-34


  One of the crimes increasing in today's society due to technological advances is homicide and murder in cyberspace. Taking place in virtual world, it is consequently incapable of being proved by clear evidence (giving true witness by two men, BAYENEH and QASAMEH). The purpose of this study was to ...  Read More

Wastage of Driving Accidents and Compensation of its damages
Volume 8, Issue 14 , June 2016, Pages 35-58


  There are few days when we do not witness a number of driving accidents specially collisions with an amounts of wastage resulting therefrom. Wastage which Sometime are left unattended to for hours, even days, causing more accidents and losses. Who is liable for later losses caused by the earlier damages ...  Read More

A study on legal nature of codeshare agreements in air transportation
Volume 8, Issue 14 , June 2016, Pages 59-90


  Today codeshare flights are recognized as a proper tool as a routine to operate in international air transportation and are important as an integral part of the operation of an aviation company, which has clear consequences for parties to such agreements. This paper aimed to explain the legal nature ...  Read More

The nature of the knowledge of the judge
Volume 8, Issue 14 , June 2016, Pages 91-112


  There are disputes and in turn doubts about the judge's science; whether in its principle of authority or its exploitation territory or in its meaning and purpose. It seems that significant part of differences is due to the lack of understanding the nature of the judge's science. In the realm ...  Read More

Conditions Applying to “dare” Rule in Emamiye Jurisprudence and Islamic Penal Code
Volume 8, Issue 14 , June 2016, Pages 113-146


        Islamic government claims execution of divine punishment in the “Absence” period. However, in some cases, carelessness and discounts in execution of these punishments, without closure of them, has been specified by Holy legislator. “Dare” rule is ...  Read More

A Study of the intention effect of devisor On rules governing inheritance
Volume 8, Issue 14 , June 2016, Pages 147-172


  As a main element of contracts and unilateral contracts, will has always been focus of attention of Lawyers and jurists but they have never focus on it as an effective element in inheritance neither independently nor dependently because they assume rules governing inheritance as mandatory norms. Lack ...  Read More

A comparison of theory of frustration and theory of force majeure: changes in circumstances and Hardship performance contract
Volume 8, Issue 14 , June 2016, Pages 173-194


  Two theories of frustration and force majeure almost refer to the same subject, namely, the impossibility of performance of the commitment or contract. However, although they are very similar in theory and practice, they have differences that distinguish one from the other. For instances, frustration ...  Read More

Interaction of causes of blood money
Volume 8, Issue 14 , June 2016, Pages 195-214


   The important question regarding such cases is if the sum of such amounts should be paid as blood money (Non-Interaction Theory) or payment of the largest of such amounts releases the perpetrator of liability for blood money (Interaction Theory). jurists consensually believe that when several bodily ...  Read More

Nature and effects of dastarmi
Volume 8, Issue 14 , June 2016, Pages 215-246


  “Dastarmy” or “Dastdarmi Right” is a common law which is belonged to the Northern region of Iran And particularly has been common in Mazandaran, and is also called “Karafe”  and “Tabartarashi”. “Dastdarmy right” is accepted in these areas ...  Read More

Critical analysis of Articles 526, 533 and 535 of 1392 Islamic penal code
Volume 8, Issue 14 , June 2016, Pages 247-274


  Among very important and influential issues involved in automatic liability are two issues of “combination of perpetrator and cause” and “combination of multiple causes” in committing  loss. Article 526 of Islamic penal code covers the former while Articles 533 and 535 address ...  Read More