Volume 16 (2024)
Volume 15 (2023)
Volume 14 (2022)
Volume 13 (2021)
Volume 12 (2020)
Volume 11 (2019)
Volume 10 (2018-2019)
Volume 9 (2017)
Volume 8 (2016)
Volume 7 (2015)
Volume 5 (2013)
Volume 4 (2013)
Volume 3 (2012)
Volume 2 (2010)
Volume 1 (2010)
Situation and basics of evaluation of environment and necessity of confrontation to the pollutants in Islamic Jurisprudence

J. Omidi; F. Yousefi Pour

Volume 6, Issue 10 , July 2014, Pages 7-30


  Environment, in juristic analysis, is among the values that their protection, in the frame of religious purposes, is necessary and confrontation with any threats against them is obligatory. The preparation and continuation of public interests which are purpose of divine law, classify into three levels ...  Read More

Juridical Thought about the Employment of Wife and its Effect on Her Alimony

A. Izadi Fard; M. Mohseni Dehkalani; R. Adabi Firouzjai

Volume 6, Issue 10 , July 2014, Pages 31-58


  The holy legislator, and following it the lawgiver of the civil law of Iran, in the 1106th article, binds the husband to provide the costs of living (Nafaqah or Alimony) of his wife. Lawgiver in 1108th article stipulates that this binding is instead of wife’s commitment to do her marital duties ...  Read More

Study of negligence as basis of civil liability of legal authority and official

H. Badini; A. Shahi

Volume 6, Issue 10 , July 2014, Pages 59-86


  The basis of civil liability of legal authority and official is important matter in Civil Liability Law that embracing complex and difficult subjects. Including theories which can propounded as the basis of liability of legal authority and official is Theory of Negligence. Therefore, it must generally ...  Read More

Juristic and legal basics of legitimacy of state guarantee in the loss compensation resulting from currency depreciation

A. Bagheri; J. Jafari

Volume 6, Issue 10 , July 2014, Pages 87-116


  Sometimes, government by taking the political and economic procedures, causes currency depreciation and as a result inflation, and inflicts damages on different groups of community because of depreciation of financial properties and purchasing power. Guarantee of agents and persons responsible for currency ...  Read More

Termination for the reason of breach of contract (Primary Termination)

A. Daroui

Volume 6, Issue 10 , July 2014, Pages 117-144


  Breach of contract, if it be fundamental, almost in all legal systems of world (national or extra-national), is cause of termination right for the other party. But, in the Iranian legal system, the famous opinion with the same criterion from decrees of act term is tended to theory of compulsion, and ...  Read More

Juristic - legal study in qualities and states of condition called halve the husband’s properties

M. Abedi; H. Safavi Shamloo

Volume 6, Issue 10 , July 2014, Pages 145-168


  Since 1362, according to prescription of documents and properties organization, free possession condition to an extent of half of husband properties for wife, contained in formal marriage contract and almost all of couples resign and accept it. But from very beginning, it is hesitated about this lending ...  Read More

New Attitude to the Removal Reasons of Civil Liability of Physician

H. Masjedsaraie; H. Qurbanian

Volume 6, Issue 10 , July 2014, Pages 169-190


  Since a long time ago, the question of civil liability of physician towards a patient has been considered by legal thinkers carefully but a point worth deliberation is those instances that the physicians are acquitted and observing the instances, it is not regarded guarantee for them. The legislator ...  Read More

Critical analysis of the nature of imposed evidences in law of proving the claims

M. Molodi; B. Haji Azizi; M. hamze howeyda

Volume 6, Issue 10 , July 2014, Pages 191-210


  From one perspective, evidences in proving the claim in law are divided in two groups: persuasive and imposed evidences. Persuasive evidence is the evidence that judge has complete authority in accepting its contents. It affects in proving of claim only if the judge has convinced to its contents and ...  Read More

A reflection on the validity of imprisonment and temporary detention as a safeguarding and precautionary action in the Islamic jurisprudence

H. Nasiri Muqaddam; S. Fathi Kate Gonbadi; E. Aliakbari Babookani

Volume 6, Issue 10 , July 2014, Pages 211-238


  In this paper, the authors after assuming the kinds of imprisonment and temporary detention as a safeguarding and precautionary action on the human and god right, at first, consider some individuals rights consisting the financial and bodily rights, and then, contrary to the famous shi’it jurists ...  Read More