Document Type : Original Article


1 Doctoral student of jurisprudence of Islamic law, Mazandaran University, Babolsar

2 Professor of Islamic jurisprudence, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor of Islamic Jurisprudence, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran.



Today, many mental disorders are spreading, each of which is somehow effective in the state of transactions. Antisocial personality disorder is one of these mental disorders. Among the basic characteristics of people suffering from this disorder are lack of control, unbridled anger, deception, cunning, lying, failure to adhere to financial and non-financial obligations, using nicknames for profit, fraud and continuous drinking, which has led people to Many people are caught in the trap of these people and suffer financial abuse and heavy losses. What is raised as the basic question in this article is what is the juridical and legal status of the transactions of this group of people? According to the research done and using a library method and a descriptive analytical method, we reached these results that the jurists have put forward different theories about the transaction status of these people, such as hajar, ghabn, gharr and pride. In this article, due to the fact that the transactions of such people are often in the form of deception and losses resulting from it, it causes the warranty of the ghar, although if they do not adhere to their financial obligations, their transactions are fraudulent and in the case of gross fraud, they are void.
