Document Type : Original Article


Private Law Department, Faculty of Law, Theology, political science, Azad University, Tabriz, Iran



One of the issues of contract law is the presentation of criteria and effects of the division of contracts according to Imamieh and Iran's subject rights. Therefore, the main question of the research is what are the criteria and effects of the division of contracts in Imamieh jurisprudence and Iran's subject rights؟ The present research seeks to answer this main question and its related questions, so that, while examining the theories of jurists and lawyers in this regard, it can be a criterion consistent with Iranian law To divide the contracts headquarters from Imamieh jurisprudence and Iran's subject rights by analytical and citation method. The autonomous theory of research in the criteria and effects of the division of contracts headquarters is the integration of different criteria under the criteria of opposition and non-contradiction of contracts with the required rules and laws of the book and the age of comparison and its works.


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