Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Information Science & Knowledge Studies, Semnan University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Information Science & Knowledge Studies, Semnan University


The present research was conducted with the aim of reviewing the Islamic jurisprudence and law studies journal and drawing a scientific map and co-authorship of the journal. The research method is of an applied type using the scientometric method with the help of social network analysis techniques (the technique of analyzing both authorship and lexical occurrence) and the articles published in the journal "Studies of Islamic Jurisprudence and Law" from the beginning of publication until now (1388-1402). ) has been analyzed. The analysis of the data showed that, in total, during the years 2008 to 2012, 356 articles from the Journal of Islamic Jurisprudence and Law Studies were indexed in the ISC database. The findings showed that concepts such as civil responsibility, hadd, right, freedom of opinion, apostasy, empowerment, cancellation, jurisprudence, etc. are among the most used topics in the articles of this magazine, and it shows that these words have the most co-occurrence. with other words. Examining the co-authorship network of the articles published in the Journal of Islamic Jurisprudence and Law Studies showed that Muhammad Abu Ata, Mohammad Moloudi and Mehdi Hamzeh, having the highest amount of scientific cooperation with other authors and the most willing to participate, were the co-authors of the journal. The scientific cooperation network of different universities in the form of co-authorship in the publication of articles in the Islamic Jurisprudence and Law Studies journal showed that the researchers of Semnan University and Tehran University had the most connections with other universities. The research results also showed that there is a significant relationship between the number of authors and the number of received citations.
