Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. student, Private Law Department, Faculty of Law, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant professor, Private Law Department, Faculty of Law, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran: (Corresponding author)

3 Assistant professor, Private Law Department, Faculty of Law, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. In the laws of Iran and


In the laws of Iran and Canada, any assault on the body, property, communications with their types and types, information and secrets, dignity and reputation, privacy and privacy, opinions and thoughts, writing, by natural and legal persons is prohibited and violation of privacy. It is considered private. In Iranian laws, cases of privacy violations are widely criminalized and both disciplinary and criminal punishments are considered for it; Also, the victim is entitled to compensation due to civil liability. The methods of compensation for the violation of privacy in Iranian law have been widely seen; Although it is mostly aimed at compensating the material damage of individuals. In any case, methods including compensation for material and moral damage, restoration of dignity, the obligation to apologize as compensation for the loss of privacy are foreseen. In the Canadian legal system, compensations such as compensation, ransom, apology and other cases of compensation are available without being formulated in specific laws and limited to specific criteria, with the opinion of the hearing authority. For example, the Human Rights Court or any of the normal courts can consider the best and most complete compensation for the victim depending on the specific case and conditions of each case. In this article, we analyze the methods of compensation for the loss of privacy in Iranian and Canadian laws using a descriptive analytical method.


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