Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Kashan University Law Department

2 Master's degree in Private Law, University of Tehran


The transportation contract is a contract that is concluded between the carrier and the sender. This article tries to answer the question, what is the status of the transport contract in the case that the goods are transported through smuggling? This research, which was carried out in a descriptive-analytical way, indicates that according to the agreement or non-agreement on a matter that is an example of smuggling, the transport contract will be valid or invalid; In addition to the fact that the transport operator is not responsible for the validity or invalidity of the transport contract, and in the situation where the operator has attempted to transport contraband, the rules related to security deposit and guarantee must be taken into account. In this regard, the issue has been raised in the form of five assumptions in order to accurately identify the situation of all cases; in the end, the main finding of the research is that the operator's support is essentially a guarantee.


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