Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and Law, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Imam Yadegar Branch, Tehran, Iran


Allameh Feyz Kashani "Mercy be upon him" is a comprehensive scientist in rational and movable sciences, and this has led to different views towards him. His intellectual and argumentative method, as well as his jurisprudential method, which is sometimes close to the method of the fundamentalists, refrained from calling him a akhbari, and in terms of defending his scientific position, considered him among the fundamentalist scholars. He criticizes the principles of jurisprudence and those who believe in it and considers these principles to be taken from theopponents' books. Fayz has tended to the Akhbari school and has gone from learning and compiling the principles of jurisprudence to severe criticism and opposition to the fundamentalists. This scientist, who in his early youth was an expert in the field of the principles of jurisprudence and wrote the book "Critique of the principles of jurisprudence" in this regard, with the passage of time and the influence of his professor Seyyed Majid Bahrani, and then, Molla Mohammad Amin Astarabadi, in later works He has tended to the Akhbari school, but has always observed moderation and in the jurisprudential method is subject to the exact and valuable school of the late Muqaddas Ardabili. Explain his thought through his language and in the mirror of his works.


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