Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD. Student of Qom University

2 Qom Universiti


The temporary elimination of the benefit of the organ due to incurred crime have been put under the topic of Arsh in Islamic Penal Code while no proper jurisprudential study has been undertaken in this case; what is more, the presence of some beliefs such as no liability for non-used benefits paves the way for some prevailing suggestions that there are no liabilities under the topic of Arsh and the blood money for the temporary decline of benefits in religion. This gets more intense in cases which the organ has no evident injury or harm and fracture but the benefits are eliminated in temporary terms. By a full grasp of the necessity of this discussion, this study investigates the issue by referring to library documents by an analytic-critical method. Our study shows that the presence of the right to use body organ is a good reason for the presence of liability of Arsh in cases of temporary decline of organ benefits on the criminal because the subject of liability is the loss of property and right of the others, and on our assumption, the right of using organ benefit has been eliminated; however, the lack of financiality before the act or the before the renting contract is a hinder to the use of liability principle in this assumption; also, due to the impossibility of jurisprudential comparison between the Arsh for permanent decline of benefit with temporary decline of benefits because of the lack of unity of procedure as well as the emergence of the blood money and Arsh for the blood money of harms incurred to organ, and finally, considering the religiosity of blood money and Arsh and the principle of non-liability, it is overwhelmingly challenging to prove the Arsh.


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