Document Type : Original Article


1 Azad Islamic University-Semnan

2 Jurisprudence and Principles of Islamic Law , Human science faculty , Islamic Azad University , Semnan , Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Law, Islamic Azad University of Semnan


The possibility of using criminal tools in legal affairs is a matter of dispute between jurists. If a person is accused of committing a crime, the possibility of his arrest has been accepted in some cases, but the use of such punitive measures in legal matters requires the examination of its authorization or prohibition from a jurisprudential and legal perspective. The conflict of rights between creditors and debtors has led to disagreements in this regard. Considering that the principle in initial treatment of individuals is that their actions are based on integrity and innocence, it seems that if the debtor claims insolvency, it will not be possible to detain him until the truth or falsity of his claim is proven. Imami and Sunni jurists have also examined this matter- an examination of the evidence of their rulings will also demonstrate that it is not possible to order the arrest of a debtor claiming insolvency. In this article, the correct ruling in this case will be determined through the epistemology of this important point of view from perspectives of the jurists of both sects and judging the proposed opinions. Noting the correct theory in jurisprudence, we will provide a detail interpretation of the relevant laws applicable to the debtor claiming insolvency.


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