Document Type : Original Article


Postgraduate researcher at Tehran University


" expediency " is the basic element of the philosophy of laws and rulings, and this is the case of Islamic schools, which is in two general areas: jurisprudence and law, on the one hand, and jurisprudential propositions and articles of statutory law, on the other hand. Other, it is seriously discussed and the role of expediency element in the final decisions of jurisprudence scholars and its executors is considered inevitable. Although the independent role of expediency as a source is not a matter of coincidence, but its instrumental role, apart from the fact that it is a matter of consensus, is undeniable in Islamic punishments. What this article aims to explain is that today in the legislation and implementation of Islamic punishments, one should also pay attention to the element of expediency and the philosophy of punishment, and in case of discretion, the ruler of Sharia can use the secondary rulings and the element of expediency for some determine alternative punishments, or not implement some. Therefore, in the opinion of expediency, both in the stage of enactment and in the stage of interpretation of laws and their application to examples and the implementation of Islamic punishments, it is effective and it can even change the quality and manner of the implementation of Hudud; Because if a law is passed and is not implemented for any reason, it will lose its declaratory nature. This issue is also true regarding the punishment of stoning, amputation, amputation, and amputation of hands and feet, for crimes such as adultery, robbery, and moharebeh.


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