Document Type : Original Article




One of the issues of social jurisprudence is the relationship between unfamiliar men and women which itself includes several issues, including the amount of coverage and its quality with regard to each other. The obligation to cover ornament for women in front of unfamiliar men is one of the small issues in this field. In this article we examined,  the examples of this  sentence. The main challenge of this discussion is that the jurists have provided similar criteria for the ornament to be covered; But there are many differences when it comes to examples. This research has investigated the status of "imitation in subjects" and "task of identifying the subject". Studies show that there are two types of issues sentences: It is either a legislative invention or it is customary or lexical. Recognizing the issue in the first part is the duty of the mujtahid and in the second part it is the duty of the obligee. In this regard, the duty of the imitators in case of the opinion of the jurists and also the duty of the obligated in case of customary anxiety are examined.
This article has been done in a descriptive-analytical method and in a documentary way.


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