Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of jurisprudence and Islamic law of Sari University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources

2 Al-Zahra Educational Institute in Babol, Iran


Imamiah jurisprudence, to prevent any hegemony and invasion of the enemies of the religion, introduced Jihad, defensive operations by invasion factors in fact.
Defending against aggressors, while lacking proper military possibilities, leads to specific ways of defeating, martyrdom operation could be a clear example. 
  Martyrdom Operation, is a modern way of resisting and encountering enemies of Islam using newly made fatal tools and equipment, with the aim of approaching God. The agent is sure that he shall be martyred or he shall be most suspected of being martyred. While martyrdom operation resembles suicidal operation, some of experts consider it illegal.
The present study, using analytical and library way of research, reviewing Jurisprudential sources and various researches and studying Jurisprudential reasons and basics by dissidents of martyrdom operation as well, concluded that martyrdom operation, while being different from suicidal operation, is religiously legal. The reasons announced by the dissidents are not considered valid due to the aim and intension of operation. 


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