Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Semnan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Semnan, Iran

2 Associate Professor Department of Jurisprudence and Principles of Islamic Law, Semnan Branch ,Islamic Azad University , Semnan ,Iran


 Cybercrime is one of the crimes that are born of the technological and modern society, and for this reason, there are many ambiguities about the nature and background of such crimes on the one hand, and the characteristics of these crimes and their perpetrators on the other hand. Given these ambiguities, as well as the differences between cybercrime and other crimes, preventing and combating cybercrime requires special police action. Preventive measures in this regard include the effective presence of the police in the field of cyber, public education and providing special training to individuals and organizations that are exposed to cybercrime. Dealing with cybercrime and its pursuit by the police requires special skills and steps; Because cybercrime has features that the crime scene is such that officers at the crime scene, in addition to general crime scene actions must also take special actions. After the semantics of research and methodology on the approach of government jurisprudence, several propositions and rules of jurisprudence in proving the ruling on the necessity of creating all aspects of security in cyberspace by the Islamic government, including: The limit of moharebeh and public intimidation, the sanctity of forgery, impurity and injustice in business, the sanctity of violating privacy and lack of guarantee due to the known repulsion of the privacy of others and the rule of denying the mustache were documented. As a result, the necessity of creating religious security, moral security, psychological security, security of security, financial and economic security, security of privacy, security of life and security of national confidential information in cyberspace has been proven and based on the approach of governmental jurisprudence. In addition to negative behaviors of the government, positive behaviors have also been considered necessary; Therefore, in this article, with a descriptive-analytical method, while enumerating police actions in the field of electronic crimes, with reference to the law of computer crimes, the most important of these crimes have been explained.


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