Document Type : Original Article


Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz,، ahvaz، iran


Protecting the lives of oneself and others is one of the key religious and moral obligations. Besides, sometimes saving the lives of others will depend on actions resulting in one’s own death. The validity or invalidity of such actions is not agreed by the jurists and they have praised or condemned them respectively under the headings of “sacrifice” or “suicide”. In this regard, the main arguments are related to the association between two verses of the Holy Quran. In this paper, in addition to criticizing the believers’ arguments for the sanctity of sacrificing deeds, foundations of the other opinion have been strengthened; moreover, the principle of the existence of wide-ranging disputes in this issue has provided a basis for considering its validity. In addition to rejecting the doubts concerning the legitimacy of sacrificing actions, the accurate explanation of the abovementioned issue provides the society with an educational and bio-ethical model.


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