Document Type : Original Article


University of Isfahan


According to the civil code, the right of pre-emption does not prohibit the purchaser from performing any proprietary act on the purchased share. However, Article 816 of civil code, states that the exercise of this right void the transactions of the purchaser in respect of the subject of pre-emption. According to the fact that the correctness of the contract from the beginning and its nullity after exercising the pre-emption right is exceptional in our law, it is necessary to determine its interpretation and principle by investigating the juridical literature of the issue in order to answer the essential questions that may rise on this issue. First, what is the condition of the proprietary right of the purchaser before and after the exercise of the pre-emption based on? Is the nullity of the contract in Article 816 of civil code used in its real meaning? If the right of pre-emption on the subject of pre-emption belongs to shafi, why will this right not prevent the purchaser from doing the proprietary act on the subject of sale? There are several points of views from lowers and jurisconsult in this regard such as nullity, voidable, being observed, cancelation and non-opposability. But the bases of these views are not determined. In the present study, after analyzing and criticizing the present views, we concluded that the right of pre-emption on the subject of sale belongs to shafi, but the sale of it by the purchaser is valid. Because the transition of the subject of sale doesn’t defect the right of pre-emption and the exercise of the right of pre-emption will cancel the sale and this rule is more compatible with the two parties of the sale and the real correctness of the contract.


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