Document Type : Original Article


Ferdowsi University-Mashhad


Either private or juridical persons who grant agency to others is not principal; however, grant as legal, judicial, or contractual representative. The main question is, “what is the effect of extinction of position of the agent, as the grantor of representation, on the contract and relationship between a principal and mediated agent”? The extinction of the position of the first agent, the change of the managers of organizations and companies, the death or forced imprisonment and other cases in which the position of the representative of the attorney disappears show the practical importance of the discussion. The examination shows that the effect is different from the origin of representation. If the grantor is a guardian or testamentary representative, extinction of position will be lead to termination of the agency contract. If the mediated representative grants agency, there will be various presumptions to examine. In the case of an irrevocable agency or position of purchase, the non-termination of the contract is preferable; furthermore, if a representative of a juridical person like the manager of a company, administer of endowment or director of a public organization, extinction of position of agent does not affect on agency contract.


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