Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Law, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran.

2 Department of Law, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran (Corresponding Author).


The general public, and especially patients, are regular customers in the field of medicine and treatment; Operators and practitioners in this field, including the medical community and traders in various pharmaceutical items and medical devices, like other people, may commit high-risk behaviors that can injure many individuals and legal entities. The primary and secondary victimology also intends to identify the victims in this field, by providing solutions to provide assistance platforms and improve their situation; It is clear that any action depends on identifying the various spectrums of victims and the types of injuries inflicted on them. The mission of the present study has been to identify the victims of Medication trafficking and to explain the support gaps for them. As a result of this descriptive study, it can be said that although many people consider drug trafficking and smuggling of any kind of goods as crimes without a victim, but the government, economy, drug manufacturers, consumers and activists and those in charge of combating Medication  trafficking They are among the most important victims in this field.


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