Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Imam Khomeini Institute of Education and Research, Qom

2 Assistant Professor of jurisprudence and law of Imamieh University of Islamic Religions, Tehran, Iran

3 Teacher of Islamic jurisprudence and Imamieh University of Islamic Sciences, Tehran University


From challenging and controversial issues, the issue is the age of people in the enjoyment of social and political rights, as well as criminal liability, with no single procedure in this regard. In terms of maturity and the age of criminal responsibility, the two terms are different, yet related. In Article 91 Alongside growth, the courage of intellectuals under the age of 18 has been voiced in the context of the criminal responsibility of adolescents, which implies a dramatic development in juvenile criminal responsibility, which in terms of recognition of the growth and perfection of criminals under the age of 18 years of jurisprudential basis has it. Therefore, the present research seeks to answer the question of how well the growth and perfection are and what is the basis? Which initially explains the concept of growth and perfection, and it is proved that growth is not exclusively dedicated to a specific civilian concept and can be generalized to non-financial issues, including criminal affairs, since through the former or at least the unity of the criterion and the spatial , Growth is also conditional on criminal responsibility, and age is 18 years old for growth, and the growth of a person must be established for criminal responsibility; for this claim, while explaining the meanings, the narrations and precedence analogy are cited in the issue of growth and perfection.


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