A Critical studying of the reason of who believe in tort Liability Arising from failing to rescue another

Document Type : Original Article


1 College of law، Private law ، Humanities ، Islamic Azad University of Qom ، Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Private Law, Ahlul Bayt International University, Tehran, Iran


In response to the question of whether relinquish rescuing Another Life would result tortious liability, there is Different views among legal writers. Believers of tort Liability have expressed four reasons: 1- fault
of the abandoner  2- leaving  of the duty 3- relation between Criminal responsibility and tort liability  4- Preventing from getting the right. In this article, after explaining the viewpoints, it has proved that relinquish rescuing another life does not cause tortious liability and the conduct of the abandoner is not included to article 295 of the islamic Penal Code.  In fact, leaving one's life saved is simply a matter of dignity and no guarantee.


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