The Recursion from Testimony After the issuing of criminal judgment from the Perspective Imamiyyah jurisprudence and Iranian law

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Faculty of Law, University of Qom, Qom, iran


The Islamic Penal Code in the Article 198 provides that If the Recursion is made before the performance of punishments, it is resulted in its unreliability; Although the legislator has been silent about the responsibility of the witness who withdraws his evidence. However, not only the majority of jurists but also the dominant Fatwā from the Perspective of the legislator says that except of Hudud, the Recursion After the verdict do not cause its annulment.
The issue of the validity of the testimony that in criminal proceedings after the issuing of judgment, the witness withdraws his evidence is the subject of the present study. In addition The responsibility of the witness withdraws his evidence is also discussed.
study of Jurisprudential Documents shows that the Recursion After the issuing of judgment, Even if it is carried out after the execution of the punishment, Both in cases involving prescribed / discretionary punishments and Retaliation / Penal Compensation, do cause the annulment of the verdict which is based on Testimony and thus if condemnation connected with property and the object like Penal Compensation remains as the same, it will be returned to the convicted person, and when restitution is not possible, as well as other injuries both physical and non-physical, The witness is responsible. In proportion to the role that the witness has in proving the Evidence, based to jurisprudential sources The manner of distribution of responsibility has also been specified in different situations.


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