Document Type : Original Article


1 Phd Student of Azad Islamic University-Tehran

2 Associate Professor of Islamic Azad University- Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


Alternative obligation is one wherein debtors have two or more obligations, but they are free to clear their obligation by fulfilling either one of the objects of liability. The legality of this type of obligation has been recognized in the legal systems of numerous Western and Arabic countries, but there is no consensus in the Iranian legal system and  Emamieh Jurisprudenceon this type of obligation. Many prominent Emamieh Jurists believe that there is no valid evidence against the legality of alternative obligation. The main objection of the opponents of the legality of alternative obligation is to the validity of sale and lease contracts, which are among possessory, and not promissory, contracts. In the Iranian legal system, uncertainty cannot be deemed as a ground for the nullity of contracts and obligations in and of itself, unless it leads to Gharar. Accordingly, alternative obligations can be deemed valid in non-possessory contracts.


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