Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor, Farabi Campus University of Tehran, Qom, Iran, Email:

2 Payame noor University


One of the most important issues of human life about trade’s affairs, is the discussion of formation and termination of electronic contracts. The purpose of this study was to investigate the causes of the decline of the offer in electronic contracts in Islamic Jurisprudence and to review its effects and rulings and to adapt this issue to Iranian Law and The expression of the vacuum contained in the electronic contracts is not explicitly addressed by the Civil Code and the Iranian Electronic Commerce Law and has not given any mention of it. According to the information and foundations of the research, It has been concluded that many gaps in the various fields of work and judgments have led to the decline of the offer in electronic contracts, in which solutions to these barriers and gaps have been presented. It is suggested that the legislator should endeavor to ratify the law and the specific Civil Code of Trade and electronic contracts in accordance with international rules and in line with dynamic Jurisprudence.


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