Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Law, Islamic Azad University of Shahroud, Shahroud, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Jurisprudence and Islamic Law Islamic Azad University of Central Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


Violence, especially in its hidden dimension, is still one of the most complicated problems of women's social and private life, which, despite the increase in the level of university education, the increase of educated people and the advancement of civilization and technology, not only does not diminish it, but is also reflected in new forms. Whether tolerance in the face of this phenomenon is rooted in jurisprudence and religious beliefs, or conventional interpretations that do not relate to the principle of religion, have been shadowing for centuries on the main religious doctrines.
Women, both in the private sphere and in the community, are exposed to various kinds of violence, and this same sense of fear and security can not only be a psychological stress but also a reason for the lack of real progress of women in social activities.
At various social levels, we are faced with a rational approach to some kinds of violence that results from the cultural influence that confronts jurisprudence with the violation of women's rights. Consequently, in law, there is no effective preventive action against jurisprudence, while with Such a perception can be avoided when it comes to time and time.


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