Document Type : Original Article


PhD student of Islamic Jurisprudence and Foundations of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


Abrogating act is one of issues that, although is mentioned in the discussions about transactions and there is consensus about its legitimacy, its framework and conditions are discussed rarely in jurisprudence and civil laws. Accordingly, in this paper, description and analysis of the opinion of prominent scholars, about this kind of acts and the proofs by which the legitimacy of these acts will be surveyed. With implicit survey of proofs the framework and conditions of these actions to abrogate a contract also will be noted. The result of analysis is that based on the acceptance of the implications of each proof of legitimacy, the framework and conditions of this kind of acts are different and the identification of the extent of effects of abrogating acts can have important and significant jurisprudential and legal effects.


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