Document Type : Original Article


1 Tehran University

2 Tehran University-Alborz


A contract or unilateral legal act, whether irrevocable or voidable, results in some obligations that the obligor must fulfill. The obligor will be exempted of the obligation in case of acting upon the contract contents or the distinctiveness and conditions within it. In other words, it should take place in the exact agreed time and place stated in the contract context, and in case of any expense, it will be up to the party to whom the contract refers. However, in some cases, the contract might be unconditional in terms of time, place, and any expense of fulfilment of the obligation. This issue has drawn the jurists’ attention and has been subjected to lots of disagreements and debates in various assumptions.
This paper, concludes that except for the revocable contract in which time is not estoppel, in the unrestricted contract, the principles of obligation immediate payment, obligation fulfillment in the place of ratification, and payment of the obligation fulfillment expenses by the party benefited from it, are the basic foundations to answer the questions in the all legal and lawful and jurisprudential parts.


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