Document Type : Original Article


1 Dameghan University

2 Semnan University


In the OSUL  science , it is clear that Wajebat Gheyri are appealing and do not require the intention of a charity while Taharat Salas , although they are considered Gheyri, must be intended for worshiping, otherwise they will not have precedence. In order to solve this problem, the Osuleyon have traversed several paths, which briefly include:
 The intention of a Nafci Estehbabi in Gheyri matters; the purpose of the necessary title which is Taharat Salas in essence by the intention of Gheyi matters; the attainment of the intention in the Zelmoghadameh through the intention of the Gheyi matters; the multiplicity of the matter; the worshiping of Taharat Salas by the intention of the implied Nafsi; The qualification of Mogharabiat and not the existence of the possibility of being worshipable as an act; in the end, according to the drawbacks of the aforementioned considerations, it is concluded that there is no way to correct Taharat Salas unless there is a way to survive the Estehbab Nafsi of Taharat Salas  after Gheyri  matters;  therefore, when Gheyi matters come through, though the essence of the Estehbab is destroyed, limit Estehbab remains untouched; hence, the worshiping of Taharat Salas is not derived from the Gheyri matters, but rather from the nafsi Estehbabi Matter.


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