A Jurisprudential Study of the Artificial Insemination of the Deceased’s Sperm to his Spouse


One of the most common issues that scientists face nowadays is related to the medical reproduction or artificial insemination. In Muslim Countries like Iran, it is of more significance due to the dependence of many issues on Islam. Therefore, it is frequently seen in jurisprudence and law that many theories have been proposed in this regard and it has been generally and not in detail dealt with. So, the present article aims to study perfectly the rightfulness of the artificial insemination of the artificial insemination of the deceased husband’s sperm to his spouse. Through studying the relevant evidence, it is concluded that due to the continuation of marriage, each of the operation of taking, combination and insemination of the couple’s sperm and ovule, after death of each of couple, is authorized unless taking the husband’s sperm after death, is deemed as disrespect or entails a religiously prohibited act like touching that in this case, shall be illegitimate and prohibited.
