

Audio _ Video related crimes’ especially those of public ethics and chastity’ have always kept all societies concerned as a social and cultural unacceptable creed. Because of the clear expressions of the Holy Quran about the protection of public chastity and ethics as well as the existence of ample narrations the attempt has always been towards recognizing such acts as crime in Iran too. Therefore’ the legislators have always paid attention to audio _ video related crimes ethics and chastity issues since the very early time. In spite of the fact that preserving public ethics and chastity has always been regarded important at any time’ especially for the Muslims’ some people in different ways and for a variety of reasons attempt to destroy and darken this holy social institute. The most important and major tool these people have in hand are hackneyed and dirty tapes and videos’ for which current law is saying nothing about considering such acts as crime. In country’s current law there are two laws which are Article 640 of Islamic punishment law ratified in 22.05.1996(02/03/1375) and laws on how to punish persons who act illegally in audio – video field’s ratified in 06.01.2008 (16/10/1386). Apparently a conflict can be seen between these two, and this conflict leads legislator not to meet his/her objectives, expected from considering illegal audio – video related activities as crime.
Thus in this paper the author has firstly dealt with analyzing rules and laws governing this sort of activities and making sure that there is no conflict between them. Then the music and its verdicts, and the verdict of keeping the hackneyed and dirty tapes and videos, in Islamic Shari’ah are taken into consideration.
